Urban Computing Lab

Welcome to the Urban Computing Lab at the University of Maryland!

We focus on modeling cities through digital footprints of human activity. Our objective is to understand human behavior in urban environments using crowdsourced mobile and ubiquitous data; and to provide tools and insights that enhance decision making. We develop data-driven methods that combine data mining and machine learning techniques to tackle urgent urban challenges in areas such as disaster management, socio-economic development or smart transportation.


  • New NSF grant to understand barriers faced by low-income population using public transit [BALTO website]

  • Two new papers at EPJ and SIGSPATIAL'20!

  • We have created an online Crash Course on Location Data, please check it here and send us feedback!

  • We start 2019 with two papers accepted in IMWUT and ICTD!

  • Vanessa receives an NSF CAREER Award for her work on human mobility and resilience during shocks

  • Check the video summary of our work on data-driven disaster analytics at CCC (Computing Community Consortium)

  • Our H1N1 work and its potential impact on Ebola in The Economist


4144 Iribe Center, University of Maryland, College Park
